Frontinus-Gesellschaft e.V.

Antoninisches Nymphaeum, Sagalassos, Türkei

Einladung zum Workshop AQUA PAPHIA - The Use and Meaning of Water in Hellenistic-Roman Nea Paphos and Beyond - 05.-06.07.2024 Einladung und Programm


Am 05. und 06. Juli 2024 findet ein Online-Workshop „AQUA PAPHIA - The Use and Meaning of Water in Hellenistic-Roman Nea Paphos and beyond“ statt, zu dem hiermit eingeladen wird.

Das Programm können Sie hier  herunterladen.

Zu der Registrierung und zur Teilnahme an diesem Workshop haben uns die Organisatoren folgendes geschrieben:

As the workshop Aqua Paphia approaches, we would like to invite you to join us. Please find attached below the registration links, as well as the programme.

We will use MS Teams webinar mode for the meeting. Using MS Teams is not necessary; you can join via a web browser. However, it is recommended to download and use the desktop application to avoid technical issues. Please mind that participation in both days requires separate registration. After registration, you will receive a confirmation message to the e-mail address provided and a link to join the meeting. It will activate before the event. Don't worry about having both your camera and microphone turned off when joining an event. We will enable this option for you during the Q&A session. 

Link for the registration to Day 1 - 05.07.2024 (Friday)

Link for the registration to  Day 2 - 06.07.2024 (Saturday)


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